Friday, October 21, 2011


I used to say "I never drink coffee". Or "I've only drank coffee three times in my entire life". Well, it's the end of an era. Last summer, on the last day of my mediterranean islands trip, I drank a large mochaccino. Now I drink Mochacchinos several times a week, and on some days, more than once a day. Ah well. It had to happen one of these days.

Friday, October 7, 2011

One more song

**I think the date of this blog post got messed up**

MMMmnnnngngngngnngngnnnn why did my dance class have to end??!! I could have danced all night!! During class today, I wanted to pinch myself at least five times --I could NOT believe how much fun I was having!!

Thursday's class is the advanced salsa class, and I still don't look good when I dance (even when I am doing the steps right), but I manage to look ok I think, and boy I am happy to be there!! Today, I got to dance at least once with at least four out of my favorite dancers in the school!!

I'm not sure I've felt this way about an activity since 2003!! Baaaaaaack in the days, I used to wake up on tuesday/thursday mornings and think "yessssss! kali day!" (Kali= Filipino martial arts). Well, now I wake up on Tuesday/Thursday mornings and think "yesssss! Salsa/forró day!".

I wish I could be friends with these people outside of class the way I was friends with the kali people back in the days. But for some reason I have the strange feeling that I don't fit. Maybe this will improve. Maybe it's only in my head. But in any case, the thursday classes especially are like a very intense daydream.

TWICE today I thought the class was finishing. And TWICE today the prof played "one last song". One of them was forró!! I was SO grateful!! But the third time, it really was true: it was the last song. And I had soooo much energy after that, that I could not just sit quietly in the metro. So I went for a walk. And now I have to waaaaaiiiit aaallll the way till Tuesday for another dance.